When the political sphere is too jumbled to recognize the priority of securing and preserving land for ecological health and public benefit, it becomes ever more necessary for communities to take the reigns and ensure that there remains landscapes devoted to health, abundance, connection, and source.

Source Conservation is committed to holding these spaces, ensuring public access to insiring, productive, and educational landscapes for the benefit of the entire community of earth dewlling organisms.

Source Conservation Nodes protect landscapes from over development, while ensuring that land plots are  fully supported by a thriving and engaged community. We focus on ensuring respectful and beneficial participation with native landscapes.
Source Conservation purchases land and places it under conservation & community land trusts.

We protect our landscapes by ensuring holistic, regenerative, ecological standards of management which focus on preserving habitat while producing diverse agricultural yields.

Our aim is to nurture a thriving, adaptive, and enduring whole-earth community by establishing systems which integrate community, culture, technology, and production.

A Typical Source Conservation Node

Public Access
Conservation Land Trust

Conservation Corridors
Riparian Habitats
Sculpture Gardens
Educational Trails
Carbon Mitigation Plots
Ancient Forests
Sacred Land Art Installations

Community Access
Community Venue & Resources

Community Buildings
Meeting Rooms
Industrial Kitchens
Agricultural Processing Facilities
Art Galleries
Public Access Areas

Private Access
Community Land Trust

Private Housing for land stewards
and village memebers.
Farm and Research Plots
Occasional U-Pick Farm Access
Farm Stands
Nursery Sites / Greenhouses
SC Offices and Tool Storage
Retreat / Rental Dwellings


A primary aspect of our land nodes is the Conservation Land Trust. By putting the land in a conservation land trust, we ensure management for the benefit of wildlife and natural ecosystems in perpetuity. Our goals include re-orienting people to feel at home amidst wild nature, and so these wild spaces include trails for the public to enjoy and to learn from.

All who donate funds and effort toward the Source Conservation Movement can feel assured that they are in a sense donating to themselves: as part of the public, everyone obtains the ability to access beautiful natural landscapes when properties are managed by Source Conservation.

Conservation Corridors allow passage of wildlife safely through these properties.

Riparian Habitats protect waterways and the animals dependent upon these areas for their livelihood.

Sculpture Gardens & Sacred Land Art Installations are inherently part of our aesthetic. The culture of the land informs our interaction with it. The movement of the sun is  worthy of our devotional awareness. Land Art sites exist for the public to enjoy. Featured artists include Nick Lake , Sam Gerhard , and more .

Educational Trails consisting of plant and tree labels, geologic assessments, and management descriptions provide the public with a wealth of ecoliteracy context and knowledge.

Carbon Mitigation Plots and Ancient Forests consist of preserved large trees, mixed forests, and strategic management for the sequestration of carbon in dedicated restoration plots with less focus on agricultural production and more focus on cultural heritage and ethnobotanical  wealth.


Source Conservation recognizes the importance of having facilities devoted to community involvement and connection. Our Nodes host venues for all kinds of holistic, integrated, and inclusive gatherings, from ceremony, education, business planning, weddings, art expositions, etc. 

Community Buildings host outdoor and indoor gatherings of many kinds.

Meeting Rooms allow for important business decisions to me determined among a healthy and integrated landscape.

Classrooms are devoted to teaching and training the next generation of ecoliterate land justice advocates, special skills, and healthy practices for a healthy community.

Industrial Kitchens / Agricultural Processing Facilities provide shared tools for the community to add value and safely process their products so that the local community and economy may be thriving and fed.

Art Galleries host regular gatherings and specific hours for public viewing of contemporary cultural expression.

Public Access Areas : While some of the community access areas have hours of operation, the community will always retain access to the public areas.


Community Land Trusts ensure that land is not developed beyond the economic reach of those devoted to the often undervalued work of land stewardship. By creating these constraints of development, we ensure integrated, holistic management will always be the priority on our landscapes. 

Private Housing for Land Stewards and Village Memebers: Source Conservation knows the importance of establishing stable and safe homes for communities with low incomes and those devoted to the stewardship of the land. Maintaining safe and healthy ecosystems and farms requires regular intervention and management, and we value this work by creating homes for those who are devoted to working the land.

Farm and Research Plots: Private land access allows for the mutually beneficial practices of regenerative agriculture to yield healthy and abundant food for the community in a managed and scientific way. Production based on true economic factors, and the research based efforts of our farm management requires limited access to certain plots.

Occasional U-Pick Farm Access & Farm Stands: The food produced on these lands are to be made available  to the local community via occasional U-pick seasons, and honor system farm stands or stores. 

Nursery Sites / Greenhouses: Source Conservation Initiatives include growing native trees for large scale restoration efforts, and these facilities will remain private, with possible tours for visitors by appointment.

SC Offices and Tool Storage: SC facilities and tools will be present at all land nodes for adequate management, assessment, and involvement in the efforts of the land.

Retreat / Rental Dwellings / Community Living: Village style living may become more and more important as the future of a culture unprepared for ecological collapse or disaster becomes more and more real. Our land nodes may function as cultural havens for vast communities to flourish, as the necessity builds and the resources become available.