Our nurseries propogate native and edible species of plants and trees for critical reforestation efforts on the West Coast and Hawaii. 

Sacred Sites

When we manage land in maximum harmony with life, our farms and human settlements blend seamlessly with the wild landscape.

Holistic practices can maximize the utilization of solar energy while supporting
the diverse potential of biological life on planet Earth.

The land and farm design strategies we utilize enable maximizing
the production of food and resources, while also maximizing
the sequestration of carbon in the soils.
These strategies maximize the life of the soil,
thus mitigating climate change, retaining water,
building vitality and fertility!

These are the elements of a sacred space!
Healthy Land    Healthy Animals   Healthy People
The wild land has always been the garden



Source Conservation leads water ceremonies at rivers, lakes, and ocean edge
during potent transformational times throughout the year.

We sing and pray for the health and the life of the water.
We invite you to join us.
Our stewardship utilizes landscape design methods including :

  • Keyline Pattern Cultivation, Earthworks, Agroforestry, Mulching, Planned Grazing, etc. 
with intention to maximize the retention of water in the land.